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Okay i have to say, i am starting to get sick of china food! haha..
I miss home cooked food! I miss mummy's cooking!!

This explains why khai and i excitedly went over to the law peep's place for dinner yesterday cos Shawn offered to cook for us!
Man! He is a gd cook!
Too bad my camera is with zhen, else there will be pics of the tasty and delicious spagetti he whipped up for us!
Should have seen Shawn toss and turn the food in the pan..so pro!
Please cook more Shawn!!! =P

The weather is really good now. The temperature is just right in the morning and turns slightly colder at night, but still bearable.
We can officially wear shorts and slippers and tees!
But i seriously think china people are super duper scared of cold.
Under such hot sunny weather, they are still clad in their winter wear, all wrapped up tight from top to bottom.
And when i started wearing tube and a vest top over, i invited stares. Lots and lots of stares!
Oh well..i'll never do this in Spore..its so AA..but when u're on exchange, u dont seem to care less..ahhaha..its betta then sweating and torturing yourself under thick layers of clothes!

Please let the weather remain good!
I love the weather!

Lost @ 10:59



i've never ever spent so much in my time in Shanghai before!
Everything i've done today, including my meals, the taxi fares are all the most expensive ever.
I vow to be a pauper the next few days!

My spendings of the day:

200yuan - shopping (1top, 1 bottom)
490yuan - tailor made clothings (1 vest, 2 jeans, 1 corset top)
48yuan - taxi fare (the most i've spent on taxi when usually taxi doesn't cost more than 30yuan)
65yuan - food (if u've been reading my blog, a meal usually only cost 5yuan. But today, khai
and i went to sushi tei to eat! the only branch in Shanghai. Oh my god its super
darn gd when u've been deprived of gd jap food for so long. And its cheap!
Chicken teriyaki and udon only cost $5. The nice sushi roll that cost $16 in spore
only cost $8 here! How can i not eat right???)
48yuan - ziwei's present

Total cost: 851yuan = ~$170!!!!!

AHHHHHHH!!! This is crazy! Absolutely crazy!
Considering i did so many things at this price, its reasonable. But still........i spent a BOMB!
Mummy is going to kill me!
With that money, i can go to huangshan already!

Oh and btw, next wkend i am going to huangshan with the FUSSA pple and that's going to cost arnd 800yuan.

I'm going to eat grass tomorrow.

P.S. Ziwei happy bdae!! hope u enjoyed your bdae celebration today! =)

Lost @ 10:15



Slept at 4 the day before.
Woke up late.
Made the whole bus wait for us. Our bad.
I guess it’s a Sporean thing. We are always late.
But the terrible thing is China people are ALWAYS early!
Made us look so bad!
Even if we are on time, they are still waiting for us.
Even if we are earlier than the allocated time, we are still last. Sigh.
We can never beat them to this time competition!

This entry will be super image heavy.
Pictures say a thousand words! Haha...

Day 1


The place was kind of crowded when we went over.
It was a budget trip so there was no tour guide to tell us the story of the lake.
We tried to tag along some tour guide, but went separate ways soon after.

So we just went around taking pics with everything we see on the way!
Produced some really good pictures!

We look so sweet and innocent looking! 青春少女!hahahha...

Don't we look like we are posing for some album covers???? hahahaha...zhen says she looks like the 女主角 of the cover. hahah!

My first attempt to use the manual close-up shot. Blurred the back and focused on the front. Not bad right???

At this place, there is this lady who helps people make 面塑 on the spot. It is the use of coloured flour to make out a your miniature figure. I thought it would be a really good souvenir from yangzhou. Who knows, khai and i waited almost an hour just for her to make that figurine. Oh well, but its quite cute! haha..cos its me! =P

The lady at work.
Its a family business.

And this is the me she made! Exactly what i am wearing that day.


We proceeded on to this street that sells so many soft toys at really cheap prices.
But didn't buy any back cos they all look quite cheapo and fake.

But To be fair, there are cute ones. Spot the one in black. haha!!

After that we were on our own. The aim of our dinner hunting trip was to look out for Yangzhou fried rice! What's the point of visiting yangzhou without eating its famous fried rice???
After a long wait and long walk, we finally found it!
See the happy grin on zhen and khai's faces!Poor zhen actually walked such a long distance with her sprained ankle.

Ironically, we ate the fried rice in a shop which speciality is porridge.
So of course we tried their speciality. Porridge!

This sweet porridge actually taste and look like Or Ni. But they added banana and milk. Really special, though it doesnt look that appealing from the picture.

And this is Lionel!
The only guy among us Singaporeans. Really fun-loving guy!

Interesting pics of the day

Terrible terrible english!

Innovative way of advertising!

Day 2

We were the last to report again.
This time its not really our fault.
In fact we were actually early.
The meeting time was scheduled at 830. We were down at 815 and everybody was already on the bus! Sigh.

Anyway, had a really heavy breakfast.
Noodles, Baos, and my fav Xiao long tang bao! Really huge ones!!!


Nice garden.

But not exactly fun. So we started taking lame pics again!

Khai is desperately trying to fix her hair cos i messed it up. haha.
And Lionel is so act cute!

I made Lionel pose in front of my camera reading the carvings, but it looked so wrong! No feeeeling arh!

Zhen trying to look real studious. Succeeded??

We risked our lives, climbed up the rock walls to take the pic! haha

The top view

The bottom view

On a side note, Lionel took a pic of this cute thai guy who's with us on the trip!
i'll share it with you guys..haha..okay cant really see..but make do make do please!

And they snapped me sleeping on the bus!

Lost @ 10:02


Went out with a new mexican friend Adolfo today.
Had really interesting conversations with him.

Learnt a little of spanish.
Had steamboat.

Nice pics taken todae.

Went to Adolfo's place to chit chat.

It's really interesting to find out that actually 2 different groups of people that are half the globe away from each other actually think the same way with regards certain things despite different culture and practices.

Mexicans turned out to be more conservative than i thought! or maybe its just Adolfo..haha..
Too tired to type more.
Yangzhou tmr at 7am.
Stay tuned!

Lost @ 11:03


Another unlucky day at school.

Totally lost and confused in class.

Though i would say it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
But still I'M PISSED!!!
Screw those irresponsible idiots who left me and zhen in the lurch!

Lost @ 08:11


What an unlucky day!
Actually unlucky more for khai than for me.
But I was with her the whole day, so unlucky her means unlucky me!

The day started out with khai being cheated by this man outside school.
We were riding to school when khai got stopped by this man outside the school gate.
He said that khai’s bike needs some air pumping on the wheels.
So he dragged khai’s bike into the school to pump air for her.
But later he claimed that the tyre is spoiled and needs to be changed.
So he started dismantling the front tyre.
After he finished with the tyres, he quoted khai at a price of 60RMB!
That’s super daylight robbery!
Okay maybe after you convert it back to sing you may think that it is already quite cheap.
But now that we have been in china for quite some time, 60RMB is a huge sum of money!! 60RMB can feed us for almost a wk!
So khai started bargaining with him of cos and in the end settled at 40RMB (still ex though, but we are already late for school, no time for the hassle).

Took a cab to school.
Climbed up 5 stories of stairs just to find an empty classroom!
Called up the class monitor and he told us that class is cancelled today.
But we are freaking not informed!!!!
Wasted trip, wasted money!

Then we spent the whole day running arnd the school vicinity to find teachers to help us sign our course modules.
You see, in fudan, the administration is really super duper troublesome.
For us exchange students to take a course outside our own school, we have to get the department for which the course we are taking, to sign and authorize, then get our own school to approve, then hand up the form to the foreign student’s administration.
So you see, we have to run to 3 places just to fill up 1 form.
And there is no guarantee that the teacher in charge will be around. So we spent the whole afternoon running around from places to places back and forth waiting and waiting just to get everything signed.


But something positive.
The weather is getting better!
No more strong winds.
The sign of spring coming – flowers blooming in school!

Lost @ 07:19


I fell sick!
How terrible.
Felt abit groggy the whole day.

Ice cream on a cold day is really cool!
You guys should try it some day.
Plus the cornetta here is only 60cents sing! hahaah

The law gang, khai and zhen (finally zhen is bringing us out! She was too busy with her translation work previously to play with us..boohoo!).
东台路 is an antique street with rows of shops on both sides selling replicas of old historical artifacts. They even sell wooden scrolls with detailed pictures teaching sexual positions!

Houses we see along the way before we reach the antique street. It reflects how the poorer people in Shanghai actually lives. It reminds you that in a huge city like Shanghai, there are still people who can't even afford proper living. People still live in houses with dirty and cramp conditions, with dark alleys.

These houses and buildings are really old and according to Amos, they are built in 1822, or is it 1922? Haha..i forgot. Anyway you get my point, they are real old.

The old street.

There was a point of time, I saw this two old ladies sitting outside their house doing something (I was not close enough to see what), and I thought this was a really good inspiration for photo taking. Just when I took out my camera trying to snap a shot of them, the old lady caught me in action and I got scolded! =(
BUT in the end I did capture a human shot. And a pretty nice one too!

Found lots of interesting treasures!

Bought a really nice chess set for daddy. He will love it to bits!
Its in a wooden box with carvings of dragon on top.
The chess board is made of leather and the pieces are in the shape of 兵马俑.

Many stalls are selling CCP related stuff, like these 毛主席 badges, posters etc.

We met a really nice and enthusiastic seller of the 毛主席 badges. This uncle happen to be a collector of the badges himself and he took out so many of his proud collections to show to us and even tells us stories behind the badges. Apparently, there are badges pro and against 毛主席 and the anti 毛主席 badges can be identified by looking at the heads of 毛主席 on the badge. Anti badges have heads turned to the right while pro badges have heads turned to the left!

Me choosing from the huge collection. Bought 2 in the end, one anti one pro. And the friendly shopkeeper is standing next to me.

The 3 law guys are really cute. They are so into these antique stuff and can't resist to trying them out!

Wenshan and his 同志 costume. 同志好!

Shawn and his wei xiao bao specs.

Amos and his er hu! He actually sat there for a really long time to learn playing the er hu from the ah pei there.

And the 3 of them actually made a terrible joke that they will use these things they bought today to haunt huiyi if she doesnt come home everyday by 5pm to cook for them! Poor huiyi! hahaha..

We did some really chinese culture thing too - 品茶. I didn't know huiyi and shawn are so into tea-tasting!

Really fancy these old stuff.
Reminiscence of the past.

Will visit the place again to hunt for treasures.

Lost @ 08:28

This was actually taken a few days ago.
Too bored in class.
Translation. Sounds bad right?
So khai and I whipped out our cams and started taking pics!
The ah tiongs in class must have thought that we are crazy.

First home cooked meal in Shanghai.
Finally there’s a meal with 家的味道.
Presenting chefs Khaiyan and Shuiling!

Me hard at work!

Bought lots of groceries and went over to the law peeps’ place to cook cos they have a huge kitchen with all the utensils needed.
Lousy zhen don’t want to lend me hers. Haha..
I really hoped everybody enjoyed the meal!

After the tiring cooking process which took 3 long hours, khai and I stayed over at the place to play mahjong! (okay im the only one playing..khai was studying!!!!)
As usual, I lost. Haha
But its in RMB so its a lot better than playing in Spore!

Woke up in the morning.
Bad rainy day.
Caught a cold.

KTV at 钱柜 (partyworld) straight after at noon with the law people, yucheng and lujing.
Unlike the Partyworld in spore which appeared kind of sleazy to me, the one here is really posh! It looks more like a hotel and the staff really treat their guests like we are VIPS!
Every room has an attached toilet.
Look at how well furnished the rooms are!

The guys singing 笨小孩 and shawn acting like one. Opps! Hahaha

The girls enjoying ourselves.

Yucheng caught on cam singing his only song of the whole session!

Amos and Wenshan sang the hokkien song 爱拼才会赢.
It was super funny.
Amos’ rendition of the song was really gd!
Actually took down a video of it.
But as you guys know, tech idiots like me do not know how to upload it to my blog!
Unless somebody is willing to help me, *hint hint*, else the rest of you won’t have a chance to see it! =P

Lost @ 06:17



Checked out the local clubbing scene last night with khai, andrew, liwen and the law peeps.
Went to Guandii, a club that's frequent by japs, koreans, abcs, ang mohs.
According to zhen, this club is supposed to be one of the best clubs in Shanghai
Apparently not so.

The music wasnt gd.
Or to say i didn't like the music.
It plays RnB but it was a weird mix of songs.
Occasionally they put in some chi songs, like 我爱台妹, which i thought sound better than the eng songs they put in.
Okay call me cheena. I'm in china anyway!

The guys and girls in the clubs are generally quite good looking!
They all really dress up and doll themselves up.
Not to say spore's crowd don't dress up but its just different.
The crowd here is looks relatively more mature and they are very daring in their dressing.
For example, we saw this china girl wearing really low cut and tight top, her boops are almost spilling out! and she wears a red hot shorts. She has tattoos on her back and tummy area and at the side of her thighs! Its a pity i forgot to bring camera.

But the crowd is really rowdy. Which sux.
At the dance floor, we nearly lost our balance and fell a few times cos people were shoving arnd.
Guys and girls. Both really rough.

Luckily wenshan, shawn and andrew were there protecting us!
Thanks alot dudes! You guys were great! =)
Esp wenshan. He looks so tired but he was still hanging in there at the dance floor for such a long time. Impressive..haha..
And khai has amazing stamina man.
She lasted the whole night at the dance floor!
with her toes squashed in her boots. Poor toes!

After the night, we went over to the law peeps' apartment for supper.
Maggie mee, 水饺 and shawn's really nice fried eggs! haha..
Thanks for the hospitality guys!

Oh and i have to say, i feel so cheated staying in the dorm!
The outside apartments are so much bigger AND CHEAPER.
Everybody has their own rooms, a big living room with dvd player and tv, kitchen to cook and refrigerator to store their food.
What do we have in our dorm?
A tv that doesnt work unless we pay monthly subscription to activate it, no refrigerator unless we rent it, a common pantry that looks abit dirty and a smelly refrigerator in the pantry where people may steal your food!

Lost @ 03:11


I'm starting to feel the pressure.
Its not just fun and fun and more fun anymore!

Readings are piling up.
Chinese readings mind you.

That's the difficult part.
I came to China thinking that with my chinese standard i can pull through.
I'm only half right.
Yes i can survive in China with my conversation skills and all.
But studying in Chinese is a totally different thing!
Esp when there are so many technical terms in chi.
And the courses im taking, Media Management and Media and Culture, talks all about China's media industry which i know nuts about.
This means that i actually have to read extra to find out more about the industry!

I'm just an exchange student!

Lost @ 08:43


Okay I think the lazy bug is getting to me.
Wy is right. I’ll just start blogging lesser and lesser.
At first its everyday, now its 2 days once, soon its going to be once a wk. haha!

Anw ydae after school, 4 vain girls (me, khai, rebec and huiyi), went to do cheap hair treatment!
Thx to Rebec’s 65% discount card, the treatment is really dirt cheap!
I trimmed and had treatment for only 73rmb!
Cutting hair here is really worth it.
Its just like having a food court meal back home, or maybe even cheaper.
A not bad salon cost 15rmb for cut wash and blow.
For guys, those baba shops only cost 8rmb!
I think I’ll be going back for more treatments!
Plus the salon that we went to have *ahem* not bad looking hairdressers..haha.
And that day would be the first time I had real conversations with pure Shanghainese other than my professors.
Don’t laugh, but I actually have difficulty making out their Chinese.
Made myself look quite bad in front of the hairdresser. Its as though I can’t converse in Chinese properly.

Oh the hairdresser snipped off khai’s fringe.
At first she was super upset cos the hairdresser can’t cut fringe for nuts.
But I made her put her fringe to the front and now she looks like a little doll. Haha!

Initially khai and I wanted to go to 城隍庙, but after our hair treatment it was already quite late. So we decided to meet up with the nus gang at 人民广场, since they haven’t been there.
Later, Khai and I split up with the rest cos they were going for some Atas dinner at a jap restaurant and we wanted to save money.
But that’s beside the point cos after dinner we met up with the gang again at 新天地 to chill out and I spent on drinks. Oh well.

The place is really nice.
The other time I only walked past 新天地. But this time round we went into one of the restaurant cum live band cum pub. Really good ambience and all!
Will definitely go back to the place and check out other pubs.

My face is all flushed!

My drink.

And something worth mentioning, Khai and I walked all the way from 人民广场 to 新天地! Without a map! Though we had some help from shuzhen.
Nevertheless we still feel really accomplished! Haha. i sound like a cheap thrill.
And on the way, I saw this…

Lost @ 10:27