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Exams coming up soon!
There's reports to rush, exams to study..sighz..
Then again, i made a point to buy great gifts for great friends back home! haha..

Part of your gifts

These are only a really SMALL section of the gifts cos i've packed all into a huge bag!
Can you imagine a huge bag full of gifts???!!!
hahahah...u guys are so blessed!

Anw, Baisheng cooked brunch for me on saturday!

And Singapore Mee Goreng!! haha..my favourite!
I've tried all kinds of dried noodles here in China, but none taste as good as this!

And yes i have to mention this, Baisheng's room is amazing!
hahah...his room is totally a super 环保 place man..
Baisheng can use all his recycled materials to make amazing things.
Like the "table" that was used to place food, was actually made up of a cardboard box from the 凉茶 that he finished and 6 small tubes of finised potato chips!
The egg in my Mee Goreng turned out to be round bcos Baisheng cut out the rim of the tube of potato chips to fry the egg! hahah...

And this....
Shuttlecocks as support base for his laptop!! Genius!

Lost @ 09:39


oh my beautiful nails!

Lost @ 07:38


Clubbing at Zapatas!!

Great music, funky crowd, best company = fun fun fun!!!!

Love the girls!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah...bar top dancing!

Lost @ 10:42



The long awaited day 4 has finally come!!

Day 4:

Arrived in Tokyo in wee hours in the morning.
Headed straight to the Tourist Information Centre at Shinjuku.
This is the first place that any tourist who can’t speak Jap like us should go..its prolly the only place in Tokyo where people can converse with you in English and where you can collect all relevant information of Tokyo so that planning for the next few days will be easy!

But we were too early and the place doesn’t place until 10am..so all we could do was wait and breakfast that we packed b4 coming to japan – lots of bread and biscuits!

Poor me..looks so pathetic, eating bread in the open..hhaha...

Asakusa Area

After wash up at our hostel, 2 happy girls decided to explore the Asakusa area which was near our hostel.

The Asakusa area is a part of Tokyo that’s very different from the city area. I personally like this place very very much!
It has a very different feel from the crowded and fast paced city area. Here, the shops look more traditional Japan, and there are a lot more cheaper food stores around, especially those standing traditional food places.


This is a shopping street selling all sorts of Japanese souvenirs and food. Many of the stores actually sell the same things, but their prices vary quite abit. So my advice for those who are coming here is to walk the whole street and check out all the prices first before you buy!

When I was there that day, there were a lot of high school kids. Girls all in their mini skirts! Some are really fat, but still in short skirts. I must say I really admire them for their guts! Haha..

Some of the tidbits sold there..

Muah chi like thing

Tong luo shao that comes in many many unique flavours. There's sweet ones, salty ones, 梅味 etc.

Red bean cakes in many different shapes

Lunch at Saizerai!

This is a Italian fast food place that all of you MUST visit when you are in Japan!!!!!
This place is dirt cheap! And the food was really good! Visit the place if you don’t believe me!
The one I went to was along one of the branched out streets at Nakamise. It’s a fast food chain so I guess there should be more elsewhere.

Baked egg with mushroom that I had there.

Sensoji Temple

This is the oldest temple in Tokyo.
Saw beautiful Sakura trees near the entrance of the temple, got me all excited. But when I went closer, I realized its fake…………

There was a school nearby, and the time the kids just came out from school.
Super cute! The kids playing with the fish like windsock thing.

Anyway, the Sensoji temple is at the very end of Nakamise.

As we walked further down, we reached a few streets full of traditional Japanese 歌舞剧馆. It shows the Rakugo (comic storytelling), Manzai (comic dialogue), Mandan (Comic monologue) etc., which are very popular among the old Japanese generation. It’s a super interesting sight because this is the only place where you will see so many old Japanese aunties and uncles queuing up at the many different 歌舞剧馆 along the streets, waiting to enter to watch shows. It makes me wonder if this street will still be in existence after another decade when younger generations don't even know how to appreciate this traditional culture.

We spotted this store with a super long queue.
And it was selling this super cute dessert, at a super cheap price! Only 10yen each!
Though we were really full from all the eating at Nakamise, Khai couldn’t resist the temptation!

Yum yum!!

They are actually towels and napkins sold at a shopping centre! Hahha…did anyone get cheated????

Beautiful Asakusa sunset!

Something interesting..a dirty side of Japan
A huge pile of rubbish right beside a "no dumping" sign!

Lost @ 00:48


Dinner with mexicans!

They are really nice pple man...all thanks to Adolfo and zhen for bringing me to meet up with new mexican people!
They are so so friendly! even made me nice dessert to eat..hehe..

The slightly older man at the side is actually their mexican professor..they were having a mini discussion with their prof..
Even though i cant make out what they were talking about..spanish obviously..but it was still interesting to watch them gesture here and there and how they engage in their conversations!

The group of girls are so crazy and cute!
There was this American guy who came into the house drunk and he laid right down on someone's bed and fell asleep..then the girls wanted to play a prank on him and they started whipping out their cosmetics and drawing on his face, hands and took damn alot of pictures! hahaha..
Made me think of YOUTH..I miss you guys so much man!

Anyway, another really eerie thing happened to me today AGAIN..
This stranger called me in the afternoon and wanted to chat with me!!!!!!!!!
He claimed that i gave him my phone number..which i totally don't remember of doing and would definitely not have done!
Aaaarrrggghhhh...so swei!

Lost @ 07:56


Cooking in dorm!

Khai and I did our first time cooking in dorm!
A simple meal in our comfy room, watching dvd = pleasure!

Later we even cooked tang yuan for dessert! hee...

Lost @ 09:25


Day 3:

Woke up early in the morning!
Oh by the way, I haven’t shown you guys our room in Osaka!
It’s a traditional tatami room, where two tatami mats are placed together and a sheet is spread on top of the mats.

Though we were sleeping on the floor, its still very comfy.
Unlike cheap hotels in china, which are dirty and eerie looking, cheap hotels in japan are nonetheless clean and cosy!

Tennoji Area

The Tennoji area is the older area of Osaka, where old shrines and temples are located.

Sumiyoshitaisha Grand Shrine

This shrine is designated as a national treasure and many Japanese from all over Japan always visit the shrine to pray for the well-being for their family! Plus, the shrine is well-known for its protection for people in their travels. How can khai and I miss such a good chance to pray for protection?!!

And for some reason, we kept seeing Jap kids and saw a group of them at the shrine again!
They are so so cute!

You see the way they climb up the stairs of the bridge?? They are so adorable!
The stairs are actually quite steep, so in order to balance themselves, most of the kids are climbing the stairs on all fours with their butts facing me..hahaha..

In every shrine or temple, there will always be a well of water for you to cleanse yourself before you enter the shrine.
You can use the water to wash your hands, face etc. But don’t drink the water!

Wishes strung together!
The Japanese believe that after they pray to the gods, and after they 求签, they have to hang the slips of paper up so that all good luck will follow them and all bad luck will be carried away.

And many students hang these wooden planks to pray for passing grades and getting into good schools!

In the shrine, there are many 宝殿, each for different gods.
And at every 殿, there is a bell and a container for you to throw coins in. Before you pray, you are supposed to throw a coin into the container, pull the rope to ring the bell, clap twice and pray.

See how sincere I am!

There’s also a place that sells amulets. Jap amulets are really nice! Bought quite a lot back for my family and friends!

Shitennoji Temple

Japan’s oldest Buddhist temple.
Took us quite a long time to find the temple because it is actually located among resident areas and surrounded by rows of shops.

There was a book fair in the temple grounds.
The things they sell were quite interesting. There were many old gramophone records, old Japanese textbooks, oh and I even spotted Chinese textbooks!


This area is where the Tsutenkaku Tower is located. The tower is said to be constructed in the same style as the Paris’s Eiffel Tower.

What do you think? Haha..

Looking at the rows of shops and with all the nice banners put up, you guys will probably think that this street is a bustling street. But nono, its actually a dead town!
Khai and I were like one of the very few people walking along the street. All the eateries there were almost empty!

There are many yakitori stores there, so we settled in one for our lunch.
Unfortunately, the menu was fully in Jap! Had a hard time ordering food!
Luckily, the really pretty waitress there was very patient with us and with her broken english and our broken jap we managed to order the stuff we wanted.

Up in the Tsutenkaku Tower.
The symbol of the Tower, this cute monkey look-alike thing. I forgot its name, its been too long since I’ve returned from Japan. Haha..

Tennoji Zoo

The zoo happened to be in the same area and we had a free entry pass to the zoo, so we went in.
But it was so boring we went in for 10mins, after taking a few pictures of the flamingoes, we came out!

Shopping at the Minami Area

Basically, Osaka has 2 main shopping areas and places for youngsters to hang out. One is the Minami area, and the other is the Kita area.
The Kita area has more departmental stores and upclass shopping, while the Minami area has more shopping streets and relatively cheaper stuff. So naturally, being poor students, we headed for the Minami area first!

Honestly, shopping is not exactly a fun thing in Japan. Everything here is so expensive! When we went over Japan was having their sale period, everywhere we went there were huge signs saying sale sale sale. But even after the sale, we can’t afford anything! The most basic top easily cost 50sing! No doubt there were many many nice things to buy, but the prices were also very impressive. Japan shopping is only fun for rich people!

So khai and I spent a lot of our time looking for cheap food!

We had this for snack.
Its actually a crunchy biscuit with some Jap sauce and mayonnaise. Tasted really good! For only 150yen!


The Dotombori district is a strategic landmark of the Minami area.

Actually there’s nothing much there, except rows of restaurants.

Dotombori Gokuraku Shopping Street

One of our main reasons of coming to the Minami area was because of this place. It was written in our guide book that this place is actually a gourmet place where we can experience food culture unique to Osaka. Hence Khai and I saved spaces in our stomach to have a good meal here!
But to our disappointment, there really weren’t much stuff here..and the food sold here were way too overpriced!

So in the end, we settled for MacDonalds. Haha..
Macs in japan do have some interesting things on their menu.
For example, Khai ordered a shrimp burger with real shrimps in it! She was so excited about it.

And I ordered a McChicken burger and Chocolate pie for only 100yen each!
Singapore should start coming up with such cheap Mac deals, then maybe I’ll start to frequent Mac.

Shinsaibashi-Suji Shopping Street

There are many shops selling clothes, shoes, food and stuff. 100yen shops sprawl the street.
Oh and guys would love this – porn video shops, adult toys shops and show clubs (where guys can appoint girls they fancy to perform “shows” for them and charges are made by the duration of the show)!

Off to Tokyo!

Pack up to set off on an overnight bus to Tokyo.
For those of you traveling around Japan, you can consider taking an overnight bus which is probably the cheapest mode of transport around Japan. Plus you can actually save on accommodation.

Lost @ 07:48